I have been quiet as of late. No particular reason other than I haven’t had much to share. I have been waiting and waiting for AF to show up. 45 days thus far to be exact. I started spotting yesterday so she should show up tomorrow, which means the saline sonogram won’t happen for another week.
I have my follow up appointment tomorrow with the RE. The timing didn’t quite work out the way I wanted it to, but to reschedule means I wouldn’t see her for another month. Either way, at my appointment I will learn if my test came back positive, though I think they did based on what I have researched. I also will find out what route she wants to take – medicated, not medicated. I have irregular periods in case you haven’t gathered and I’m interested in hearing how she is going to handle it. What I fear is that it will cost me an arm and a leg on top of the costs for the IUI. I am trying hard to not put the cart before the horse, but I’m getting really worried about the cost and how many times I can afford. I will know soon enough I guess.
Best wishes tomorrow at the RE. I think its good planning and not putting the cart before the horse to think about what the different courses of action might be and if you can realistically afford them. I think that is the type of thinking that makes for a great mommy! thinking of you.
I hope the RE has good news for you tomorrow...it's so hard not to get ahead of ourselves while ttc. Very best of luck!
Faith, good luck with your RE appointment tomorrow. Ask alot of questions and tell your RE that you want to get to the other side (pregnant) soon.. BFNs sucks and they are heartbreaking.. I just don't want you to experience them. I only want you to see BFPs.
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